Monday, January 20, 2014

Raven is 10 months old already, yowsa!  She loves to stand and walk with the help of a walker type toy.  Her walking with the walker reminds me of a little old lady.  I honestly cannot believe how much she's grown and developed, my heart melts when she says Mama.  Since Raven is now mobile, we have had to really hunker down on baby proofing and keeping a close eye on her.  She tried to eat a DVD a few days ago when I wasn't looking.  She also likes to pick up debris on our area rug and try to eat it.  This has kept me vacuuming but debris just keeps appearing out of nowhere!  With all her scooting around and trying to stand, she's also fallen a few times which is heartbreaking because she always looks at me like it's my fault through her tears.  Mothers have had to reassure me that falling just comes with the territory of babies learning to eventually walk and I've got to roll with the punches.

We also hit another milestone of having to call Poison Control because Raven was in her playpen and was reaching over to get to the windowsill and was able to get a piece of old paint in her mouth.  All I thought was LEAD POISONING and that I was a bad mother for not getting to her in time.  No worries, Raven is alive and well.  I hope for my sanity that I don't have to call Poison Control again for awhile!

I can't believe in 2 months we will be having a first birthday party for Raven.  I'm probably going to bawl my eyes out because she will be a toddler and not considered an infant anymore.  I do miss her as a newborn and how tiny she was (and much lighter to pick up) but I don't miss the crazy sleeping schedule...even though 6:30 am when she usually wakes up is still too early for my liking.  Being awake before the sun rises should be forbidden.

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